Fools Gold...
Happy April Fool's Day dear readers!
A thought that crossed my mind, influenced by the numerous articles that I have been reading online.
Rather than building a lighthouse that will give light to penetrate a culture, we all, who are the kingdom's agents, are torch bearers, bringing light into the darkness, each of us armed with a rumour," Have you heard?Have you heard the good news?"
Of course this isn't my original idea. I shamelessly copped it from an article by Vinoth Ramachandra. I think CS Lewis also had roughly the same idea in mind.
On the other hand. Things I definately (desperately) need to finish.
1. My Genes and Soc essay
2. Discrete Opt Tut 8
3. Buy shower foam and detergent.
A thought that crossed my mind, influenced by the numerous articles that I have been reading online.
Rather than building a lighthouse that will give light to penetrate a culture, we all, who are the kingdom's agents, are torch bearers, bringing light into the darkness, each of us armed with a rumour," Have you heard?Have you heard the good news?"
Of course this isn't my original idea. I shamelessly copped it from an article by Vinoth Ramachandra. I think CS Lewis also had roughly the same idea in mind.
On the other hand. Things I definately (desperately) need to finish.
1. My Genes and Soc essay
2. Discrete Opt Tut 8
3. Buy shower foam and detergent.