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Thinking aloud

Where are you going?

In Tension

Thursday, January 19, 2006
For those who have been following my blog...

...you will know that I wasn't in a mood to celebrate Christmas.

An msn message and email from hold informed me that one of my church youth was (is now) undergoing treatment for leaukemia.

He is in good spirits. No news so far, and all that can be done now is to wait and pray.

Wait and pray. Living in tension, it is especially painful for Aunty Annie who watches her son (Ju Liang) go through a life threatening crisis.

I had an epiphany while taking a walk just now....

Being spiritual does not mean the pain of disappointment is taken away. One must hope against all hope, pray the very heart out for healing and expect that God will act mightily.

We are only human...to even ask the question, " Is it God's will?" is a mockery of our humanity.

I sincerely hope and believe that Ju Liang will be healed...


Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I can't access blogsome. Seems that they are changing servers. I'll have to blog here temporarily.

It rained today, quite strange considering the warm weather. But it was welcome.

Quite through with my presentation. The big picture is there. On a related note, i just realized I actually haven't quite finished my thesis. I've been slacking far too much. :P

I wish I could blog more personal stuff here. But it is impossible, it wouldn't be right. Some of it goes into my journal. As it is said, " ...the unpresentable parts, we treat with special modesty..."

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Saturday, September 10, 2005
I'll Shout it Out from the mountaintops.

I HAVE MOVED!. Do Update your links!



Friday, September 09, 2005
Did you know that my room is so stuffy and hot that I can't stand actually staying in my room. Phew...I wonder why.

VCF had a talk on finding the right life partner yesterday by Dr. Khoo. Quite good I must say, indeed it resonates a lot with what my parents have been advising on these matters.

Now the interesting thing he did mention was that ladies should act like ladies i.e. that ladies shouldn't become 'guy-chasers'.

Hmm...so what do you readers think?

Again feel free to use the tagboard and comment. Spam away ppl.

Coco-cola World


3 more questions to go.

One unfinished tutorial.

Irritable and confused.

Really sweet.

Long time in coming

Thursday, September 08, 2005
Update have been kinda irregular these days. The mind simply cannot do two things at once. Well, we did celebrate Joshua's birthday today (midnight suprise). And apart from that, it was the usual routine for me. Wake up, eat (although I missed breakfast today), QT and start work.

Still searching for some inspiration for an interesting issue or topic to blog about.

Terms and technicalities...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Mokkies asked me..what's a lemma. Well to satisfy you and to give my readers a little insight into mathematical mumbo jumbo (which it is not) I shall try to explain the what words "Theorem", "Proposition", " Lemma" and "Corollary" means.

Theorem: All the four words above mean this: True assertions. Thus, in a way of speaking, theorem=proposition=lemma=corollary. But this does not mean they can be used interchangably. Confused?


Proposition: A theorem is used to state an interesting result, a major fact or (strong) assertion. It sets up the theme and direction of the discussion. In other words, Theorems are the big picture statements.
Propositions on the other hand are results that tend to be technical in nature. You can compare them to the nuts and bolts of the engine.
Lemma's are vignettes. Small results proved on the way to make life easier (and possible). They are 'little theorems' so to speak; like the oil of the engine.
A corollary simply means a direct consequence. For example: The p-series diverges for s=1. A corrollary to that would be that there are infinitely many primes.

Boleh? Faham? Understand?

Lemma: All four of the above require proofs.

Corollary: If you see of such words and the space below them is blank, the perogative on you as the reader is to try to prove those assertions.

Perhaps the interesting question to test whether you have understood me is this.

Have I used the words properly when I boldfaced them as section headings?

Square and Round

Your Brain's Pattern

Structured and organized, you have a knack for thinking clearly.
You are very logical - and you don't let your thoughts get polluted with emotions.
And while your thoughts are pretty serious, they're anything from boring.
It's minds like yours that have built the great cities of the world!
What Pattern Is Your Brain?